Typically when traveling to isolated regions in the far throws of such states as Alaska and Minnesota, many are surprised at the limited modes of transportation beyond a certain point. In places where there is much more rugged terrain not permitting to infrastructure, airports or road access, the best options for travelers are small prop planes.
A go-anywhere answer to navigating through the deepest valleys and widest open spaces, small prop planes are the answer for those needing to traverse the wilderness. But a majority of even casual observers have an elevated level of concern when it comes to flying in smaller planes run by tour companies. This is in great part because smaller prop planes are in fact more likely to crash. They are actually 4x more likely to crash than commercial airliners.
But what are your actual chances of crashing in a small prop plane? Slim-to-none, actually. Less than .01% of all flights crash. There are quite a number of reasons you’re in good hands when 5,000 feet over the rugged backcountry terrain. Moreover, 85% of small plane crashes are from pilot error, compared to only a dismal 37% of commercial plane crashes. This means your likelihood of crashing is much more dependent on your pilot’s experience.
In addition to more seasoned pilots, much more crucial to the safety of your flight, single engine pilots also take no chances when it comes to the weather and will postpone or cancel a flight in less than perfect conditions. So prop planes are probably much safer than you may have realized. And with an experienced pilot for reputable tour company, you should feel as comfortable on a prop plane as you do behind the wheel of your own car, which by the way is much more dangerous.