Experience the Unique Challenge of Canadian Bird Hunting at Kaby Lake

Here at Watson’s Kaby Lodge, we offer visitors a chance to experience the beautiful Lake Kabinakagami, a true “fishing mecca”. Our fly-in only resort, located in Northern Ontario, is one of the best destinations for fishing in the world.

Some visitors to our resort arrive looking for a slightly different type of challenge. They turn to the sky to experience the wondrous array of birdlife native to our hidden corner of the world.

If you enjoy waiting in eager anticipation, ready to strike at a moments notice, bird hunting is most likely the hobby for you. Bird hunters don’t need only to stay patient and act fast, however. They also have to be among the most accurate shooters in the field, aiming at a relatively small, fast moving target.

Of course, if you’ve never hunted birds before, you’ll need the proper training and practice to ensure safety, effectiveness, and enjoyment. Consider enrolling in a training course or teaming up with friends that have some experience. Shooting clays on a range is great practice, and a ton of fun in its own right. The reward of a successful shot out in the wild is well worth the challenge.

Northern Ontario is a treasure trove of bird wildlife with a stunning natural backdrop. To take a look at some of what Kaby Lake has to offer, check out the Bird Hunting section of our photo gallery.

If you’re interested in bird hunting at Kaby Lake, our Fin, Fur, and Feather package is for you. For a daily surcharge, it adds bird hunting to our American or Housekeeping package. Just remember that you will need the proper licenses, permits, and certificates to participate.

For additional information on embracing the challenge of bird hunting at our breathtaking fly-in only resort, visit the Watson’s Kaby Lodge website or e-mail us at kabywatson@xplornet.com today!

This entry was posted in Bird Hunting, bird hunting at Lake Kabinakagami, hunting lodge Lake Kabinakagami.