Father-Son Fishing Trips: It’s Not All About the Fish

Father Son Fishing TripFathers and their sons have been going away on fishing trips for a long time. However, it isn’t just about the fishing as these trips offer more than whatever is reeled in. Here are five great reasons to plan a father-son fishing trip this year.

Quality Time

With how busy today’s world is, it isn’t easy to get time with people one on one, especially your family. A fishing trip allows a father and son to get away and just focus on one other without any distractions or other plans popping up.

Time to Talk

If you’re a parent, you know it sometimes isn’t easy to talk to your kids. However, taking them away from home and out on the lake can make it easier to talk about certain things that might be awkward to talk about at home with other family members present.

Making Memories

When kids get older, they tend to spend less and less time with their parents. That’s why it is important to make memories with them while you can, and a unique fishing getaway is a perfect opportunity for that. Then when the kids aren’t around as much, the father and the son will both have these memories to reminisce about.

Get Outdoors

Kids today look to get their fun from video games, televisions and computers, so taking a trip to the Canadian wilderness can be a new and fun experience for them. Even though it doesn’t involve a controller or a keyboard, fishing can still provide quite a bit of fun – exactly what parents want for their children.

Creating a Future

A father’s bond with his son is very important and going out on a fishing trip can allow that bond to strengthen. The pair can get to know one other better than they have before, helping to found or reinforce the strong emotional bonds between them that will last forever.

Watson’s Kaby Lodge is a fly-in wilderness resort in Northern Ontario offering fishing packages that would make for a great father and son getaway. For more information on our packages or to book a stay with us, contact us today by calling 877-484-1672.

This entry was posted in Fishing, fishing at Lake Kabinakagami, Fishing Trips, fly-in fishing trips in Canada.