Recovering from a Tip-Over

Tip-OverThere are few activities as fun and peaceful as riding a canoe or kayak on calm waters. In fact, the only scenario that could put a damper on your time is capsizing, and while the thought of tipping and falling into the water could be frightening at first, with the proper knowledge, a tip-over doesn’t have to be a catastrophe. Here are a few tip-over recovery tips from your friends at Watson’s Kaby Lodge.

Be Proactive and Anticipate

One of the most important things to remember when you feel like you’re beginning to tip-over is to remain calm. When you are in a kayak or canoe in the open water, you know that there is always a chance for a tip-over to occur, so try and anticipate any potential tip-over and be ready to handle the event calmly and efficiently. Loading your gear evenly helps to maintain your balance, while moving delicately within the boat ensures that you won’t throw yourself – and your boat – off balance.

Recovering from a Tipped Kayak

There can be several ways to recover a kayak after a tip-over, but many experts recommend the Eskimo Roll technique. If you can anticipate the tip, and you know you are about to go over, hold out your paddle parallel to the kayak as you roll your wrist forward. When the kayak is upside down, and you are below the water’s surface, reach out while bringing your paddle up near the water’s surface.

Then, use the muscles in your hips to wiggle in your seat from side to side until the kayak flips back over. You might have to wiggle multiple times, but keep at it and in a few seconds your kayak should be right-side up. If this seems like a difficult maneuver, bring your kayak to the nearest lake and practice the moves in shallow water until you feel comfortable with the routine.

How to Recover from a Tipped Canoe

Righting a canoe is a similar yet potentially more difficult maneuver, especially if you are by yourself. If you are canoeing with a friend, a certain amount of teamwork is involved. If your canoe capsizes, position yourself and your fellow paddler at the bow and the stern of the vessel. Next, kick as hard as you can as you lift the canoe over your heads. This action will right the canoe while also draining some of the water within. Once the canoe is right-side up, you and your friend should enter the canoe from opposite sides, acting as counterweights, so you can both get into the vessel without re-capsizing.

Of course, it’s always important to be prepared for this situation, which is why you want to always protect any water-sensitive items like electronics in waterproof bags. You should also always wear your life vest while on the water, just in case you do tip and have difficulties in getting yourself back upright.

Stay safe, and happy paddling from Tom and Michel!