Honing your Survival Skills

survivalist Just in case, it’s always a good idea to know how to survive off the land and to channel the knowledge needed for surviving in the wilderness. Many enjoy the experience of living in nature for a few days or weeks, which can be even more exhilarating without a lot of technology. But there’s a difference between wilderness survival and not having the proper equipment. Finding your own food, water, and shelter can be tough, but with the right gear survival can be a reality.



The most imperative component to wilderness survival is hydration. Upon your initial track into the woods, of course your going to want a full hydration supply, preferably a hands-free backpack system. But water is heavy and quickly consumed. So bringing a water-filtration pump is your best option for traveling light and quick. They are small, portable and remove any impurities or pathogens from river water sources (avoid pumping from stagnant water sources such as ponds). This way, as long as you are within range of a water source, you will always have access to hydration.


You can’t survive for more than a few days without any water, and the effects of dehydration will make getting around even and finding food and shelter even more difficult. If you know there is a water source nearby like a river, try to listen for sounds indicating its direction. Food is secondary, but crucial for keeping energy levels up and nutrition.


On your initial trek in, you’re going to want to bring as much dehydrated food as you can fit in your pack. It’s lightweight and easy to prepare, requiring no more than a little water and a pocket stove. But  never keep open food in your tent or on your person. Make sure it’s in a tightly-sealed container if the original packaging has been compromised in any way to prevent bears from tracking you. But when you’re out of civilized food, you can eat plenty of vegetation found in the wild. Just be sure to pack a guide to avoid the poisonous plants.


If you’re going to try to rough it without a tent or any camping equipment, you should try to find a spot that has some sort of natural cover. Whether it’s an alcove by a river or a heavily wooded area under some trees, you’re going to want to have some shade. Of course, if you’re resourceful enough you could even build your own makeshift tent by tying together branches with rope. Just remember if your have a water filter and a lighter, your chances of succumbing to exposure are diminished tenfold.

This entry was posted in Wilderness Tips.