Hunting has been and will always be a way of life in Canada, from generation to generation and family to family. It is not only how families bond and get to enjoy the great outdoors, it also actually helps animal populations thrive in safe, ideal conditions.
The number of tags issued to hunters on an annual basis is decided on very specific criteria that allow for the shooting of a restricted number of animals. This number ensures enough are killed off for remaining to thrive in a sustainable environment without any significant damage to the population numbers. And with 24,455 new Ontario hunters having taken the hunting safety courses in the past year alone, population control is not expected to be an issue.
Population control is not the only contribution from the hunting community. There are currently 475,000 hunting outdoor card holders in Ontario, all of whom spend money on safety, training courses, licensing, clothing, supplies and equipment throughout the province. And those visiting hunting destinations spend even more in a tourism capacity on transportation, ATV rentals, food, accommodations, so on and so forth.
Not only do these tourism dollars help the economy, but officially allotted funds on certain hunting gear actually are invested in into conservation and wildlife management. . In 2014-15, the Ontario Fish and Wildlife Special Purpose Account contributed $72 million to fish and wildlife. This funding directly from the wallets of hunters all across Ontario ensure our the spectacular Canadian environment and habitats continue for generations to come.
Hunters must buy tags for each type of wildlife they wish to harvest. The MNR designates how many successful tags and what sex may be harvested in each of the WMUs. The numbers change year-to-year based on the MNR wildlife management animal survey.
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