There’s nothing that fishermen hate more than the winter season. Ice starts to form in lakes and rivers, making it impossible to cast a line in the water. The temperature drops dramatically, which makes standing out near the water painful. Even on mild days, it’s not worth the effort of dragging all your fishing gear out of storage for a few hours of fishing. There is one way fishermen can make the most of winter, however – use it as a time to practice fishing techniques to stay sharp and ready once springtime rolls around.
There are a variety of things you can do to practice your fishing skills when it’s cold outside. One really simple way is by working on your casting right outside of your house. You can take one of your reels and cast it over and over again in the direction of a bush or even a bucket to work on your accuracy. Close your eyes and imagine that you’re out on the water and need to put your bait in a certain spot, and then work on hitting that spot consistently. It will do wonders for you the next time you’re out on the water.
The winter months are also a perfect time to focus on your gear. Spend the snowy and cold weather inside cleaning, preparing and organizing all of your fishing equipment for the spring. You don’t want to be digging around in your garage or shed once it gets warm outside looking for whatever you need to fish, nor do you want to be looking for specific weights or lures only to be unable to find them in the spring. Rather, you want to know exactly where everything is located. Take the time to put your gear where it belongs and be ready to hit the water as soon as spring hits.
Are you itching to take a fishing trip once the weather clears Consider booking a trip to Watson’s Kaby Lodge in Ontario, Canada. We offer unique fishing trips for walleye, northern pike, yellow perch, whitefish and more at our beautiful fly-in resort. Call us at 877-484-1672 to learn more about our fishing packages or to book your trip today.