Wolves can be counted amongst nature’s most dangerous predators. In areas where the game has been sparse, wolves can be considered especially dangerous as they become increasingly hostile. On top of that, wolves are expert hunters in their own right, which means when wolf season opens a hunter needs to be especially careful in their approach. Here are some tips for hunting wolves that will help elevate your chance of success!
- Follow the elk. Wolves are known to hunt elk, so if you’ve been able to track a family of them you’re likely to be close to wolves as well.
- Look for patterns. While wolves are expert hunters and seen as mysterious; they also behave like every other woodland creature in that they have habits. Look for common crossings and paths.
- Get permission to hunt private property. Property owners can occasionally have specific problems with wolves. If you can pinpoint where those properties are, and then gain the permission of the owner, then you’ve already narrowed down the field of search.
- Aim for females. If populations get too out of control, taking down the females in the pack will help manage control much more efficiently than taking down males.
- Use callers/howling. It may sound silly, but it works. Properly howling, but not doing too much of it, will actually help attract the wolves. Set up on the high ground when howling to maintain visibility and allow your sound to travel farther.
- Hunt in bad weather. Wolves can become reckless when the weather turns, which means that their folly is your opportunity.
- Watch the bird life. Birds such as magpies can circle around a fresh wolf kill, clearly indicating your target area for hunting.