Tips to Avoid Getting Sick on a Boat

Getting sick is no fun, especially if you’re on a boat, far from shore. With the waves moving a boat back and forth and up and down, it is not uncommon for people to get motion sickness. However, there are some strategies you can take to avoid it.

Before you set foot on a boat, consider taking preventative medicine in the form of “antiemetic drugs.” These are antihistamine medications, such as Dramamine, which can help you avoid nausea and vomiting. An alternative is an acupressure wristband, sold in some stores or online. Wearing one, which applies pressure on the wrist, has helped many boaters avoid nausea.

Ideally, before you get on a boat, you should be well-rested. Once aboard, if you feel like you’re getting motion sickness, it’s best to get to the part of the boat where you can breathe in fresh air. Rather than focusing on feeling ill, stay active. Keep your mind and attention on other things so as not to solely concentrate on the boat’s motion. If you’re “below deck,” go to an open deck or balcony and look toward the horizon. Another good idea is to move to the middle of the boat, where the rocking is least pronounced—it’s a better place to be than the front or back of the boat if you’re feeling queasy.

Should you eat anything while on a boat? Yes—light, bland foods such as saltine crackers or pretzels, along with a drink of water of ginger ale can help make you feel better if you’re experiencing motion sickness. Avoid food and drinks that exacerbate motion sickness, such as citrus fruits and alcohol.

Sometimes you might feel sick on a boat, and relief comes from vomiting, taking some aspirin, and holding a cold compress to your forehead. Hopefully, though, you can avoid that.

This entry was posted in Fishing, fishing trips Lake Kabinakagami, Lake Kabinakagami.